Our Field Waiver

Wasteland OPS Airsoft Field in Belleview Fl, gives children, teens and adults an exhilarating, unforgettable experience in a unique battle zone on 22 acres. Play against your friends and friends to be.

Each waiver is good for approximately 1 year from the date signed.

To make it easy click this link to read and sign our digital rules and waiver prior to your arrival at the field. Only need to sign once and you are good to go.

Digital Waiver and Rules

If you plan on using a rental for the day, please also fill out the additional waiver below.

Rental Waiver

We take pride in having a safe field and work very hard to keep it that way. Every day we do a safety meeting that everyone must attend. Even if the people playing have been to the field 100 times, we cover it again

We walk the field on a weekly basis and clean up anything we deem to be hazardous. All our field props are built with safety in mind and games are designed to be challenging but not exhausting or too taxing.
